capital gains tax

capital gains tax
(CGT; C.G.T.)
под. податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів; податок на дохід від приросту капіталу; податок на збільшення ринкової вартості активів
податок (tax), який стягується внаслідок реалізації певних активів (assets¹), вартість (value) яких збільшилась протягом часу; активами, що підлягають оподаткуванню, є земля, споруди, акції (share²), обладнання, а також оренда (lease), опціон (option), гудвіл (goodwill) тощо; ♦ види податків на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів визначаються податковою системою конкретної країни
to abolish capital gains tax скасовувати/скасувати податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів; to impose capital gains tax накладати/накласти податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів; to pay capital gains tax сплачувати/сплатити податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів; to raise capital gains tax збільшувати/збільшити податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів; to reduce capital gains tax зменшувати/зменшити податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів; to remove capital gains tax скасовувати/скасувати податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів
capital gains tax ‡ tax (393)
* * *
скор. CGT
податок на збільшення вартості капіталу; податок на приріст капіталу; податок на реалізований дохід від приросту вартості активів

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. . 2002.

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Смотреть что такое "capital gains tax" в других словарях:

  • capital gains tax — (CGT) When you sell a capital asset such as a property or shares, the profit is treated as a capital gain rather than income and is subject to Capital Gains Tax. This is the difference between the base cost (i.e. the acquisition cost) and the… …   Law dictionary

  • capital gains tax — n [U] a tax that you pay on profits that you make when you sell your possessions …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • capital gains tax — capital gains ,tax noun uncount a tax that a person or company pays on the profit you get from selling property or from money you have invested …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Capital gains tax — A capital gains tax (abbreviated: CGT) is a tax charged on capital gains, the profit realized on the sale of a non inventory asset that was purchased at a lower price. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds,… …   Wikipedia

  • capital gains tax — The tax levied on profits from the sale of capital assets. A long term capital gain, which is achieved once an asset is held for at least 12 months, is taxed at a maximum rate of 20% (taxpayers in 28% tax bracket) and 10% (taxpayers in 15% tax… …   Financial and business terms

  • Capital Gains Tax — A type of tax levied on capital gains incurred by individuals and corporations. Capital gains are the profits that an investor realizes when he or she sells the capital asset for a price that is higher than the purchase price. Capital gains taxes …   Investment dictionary

  • capital gains tax — CGT A UK tax on capital gains Most countries have a form of income tax under which they tax the profits from trading and a different tax to tax substantial disposals of assets either by traders for whom the assets are not trading stock (e. g. a… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • capital gains tax — A provision formerly in the income tax laws that profits from the sale of capital assets are taxed at separate (lower) rates than the rate applicable to ordinary income. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 changed the tax treatment of long term capital… …   Black's law dictionary

  • capital gains tax — A provision formerly in the income tax laws that profits from the sale of capital assets are taxed at separate (lower) rates than the rate applicable to ordinary income. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 changed the tax treatment of long term capital… …   Black's law dictionary

  • capital gains tax — noun a tax on capital gains he avoided the capital gains tax by short selling • Hypernyms: ↑tax, ↑taxation, ↑revenue enhancement * * * capital gains tax [capital gains tax] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Capital gains tax in Australia — Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Australia applies to the capital gain made on disposal of any asset, except for specific exemptions. The most significant exemption is the family home. Rollover provisions apply to some disposals, one of the most… …   Wikipedia

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